This year, the Montclair Foundation, and the Montclair Fund for Women awarded $10,000 each to FPE to support programs that address homelessness among low income families living in Montclair. Additionally, Partners for Health foundation, also based in Montclair, made a grant of $4,000 to help FPE produce a new promotional video. The Montclair Foundation awarded FPE $10,000 to help 5 – 6 low income families in Montclair receive assistance to prevent homelessness through case management services. This funding will also support the FPE Youth and Family Program which provides free K-12 tutoring and camp and enrichment opportunities to low income children served by FPE. Additionally, parents will be provided with free workshops on effective strategies that help them secure gainful employment, and they will be provided with budgeting, bill paying and savings strategies to improve their financial position. The Montclair Fund for Women awarded FPE a $10,000 grant to support the Prevention and Stabilization program, which provides on-going support services to low income women and children living in area housing. Research indicates that providing housing alone for an at-risk population is not enough to assure stability in housing. Sustainability greatly improves through ongoing case management and support for the entire family. To that end, working poor parents who seek help from FPE receive case management by highly experienced Social Workers to help stabilize their income and obtain housing. This grant will help FPE provide homeless and newly-housed families with case management services so they can gain the stability necessary to acquire or maintain their housing. Additionally, this grant will underwrite educational opportunities for the FPE social services staff to build their skill set to help serve extremely low income families that seek our help. Partners for Health Foundation, also a Montclair based organization, granted FPE $4,000 to produce a short video summarizing FPE services. The video will be used in fundraising and awareness raising activities. Featured in the video are key FPE programs such as the Shelter Program, the Prevention and Stabilization Program (rapid re-housing and family support), and our K-12 Youth and Family Program. Also featured are volunteers from various churches and synagogues that support our programs, volunteer tutors and job trainers that work one on one with our clients and their children, and FPE board members and staff. We are grateful to these local organizations for their generosity and support in addressing the needs of homeless families in Essex County!
by admin