Planned gifts include bequests, life income gifts, and other deferred giving arrangements
You may make a gift to Family Promise by designating our organization as a beneficiary in your will. A bequest can be made for a specific amount or as a percentage of the total estate. Your bequest will help to secure the strength of Family Promise for future generations.
Gift Annuities
Under a gift annuity agreement, you make a gift to Family Promise in return for the organization’s promise to make an annual payment to you of a specified dollar amount for as long as you live. The amount of the annual payment depends upon your age and is based on a fixed percentage of the initial fair market value of your gift. A portion of your gift may be tax-advantaged.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust may be designed to provide you with income throughout your lifetime as well as support to Family Promise upon your death. The trust may be established with a gift of cash or appreciated stock. A trust can be structured in one of two ways – either as an annuity trust or unitrust. The important difference between the two options involves the way distributions are handled.
Charitable Lead Trusts
Charitable lead trusts provide income to your designated charity for a set period of time. At the end of the gift period, the property you placed in the trust either returns to you, or is passed on to named individuals.